Nokia Lumia 1320 - Upload photos and videos to the web

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Upload photos and videos to the web
Want to upload your photos and videos to a social networking service for your friends and family to

see? You can do that directly from the Photos hub.
1. Tap Photos, and browse to a photo or video.

2. Tap

> share... and the service.

3. Tap or .

Tip: To select several photos at once, in the Photos hub, tap the album and , select the photos,

and tap .
Tip: To access your photos from all your devices, you can set up uploading to SkyDrive. The

SkyDrive album is then available in the Photos hub when you view your photos.
To set up the feature, on the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings. Swipe to

applications, tap photos+camera > SkyDrive, and select an option.